Ever Wonder Why You Aren't Receiving Contract Payments By Card Yet?
Data on the number of new simplified acquisitions awarded to SBs between $10,000 and $250,000 that are planned to be paid with the p-card.
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Data on the number of new simplified acquisitions awarded to SBs between $10,000 and $250,000 that are planned to be paid with the p-card.
I've been thinking a lot about what it's like being a CO in this new era of AI being used for proposal writing. I've been wondering, as a...
A Court of Federal Claims decision on 4/21/2023 has GSA rethinking its OASIS+ strategy and has put the Polaris GWAC on the curb...
Changes take effect for all solicitations issued after May 30, 2023. There are far too many topics in the rule to break down in a single...
SBA has enhanced the access portal to DSBS for small businesses. You can now access your SBA profile and DSBS record from SBA Connect...
Federal Acquisition Circular (FAC) 2023-03 was issued today and includes the following final rules effective 5/26/2023: FAR Case...
I was recently asked how I chose my business name, Federal Subcontract Solutions. The name describes my life and career as well as my...
Are you a small business with GSA Schedule that is looking for ways to increase your market share and become more competitive? A...
Neil McDonnell at GovCon Chamber of Commerce on had a great session yesterday on LinkedIn where he talked to small businesses about...