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Ruling on Polaris SB GWAC Sends GSA Back to the Drawing Board and Causes Snag for OASIS+.


Updated: Oct 2, 2023

A Court of Federal Claims decision on 4/21/2023 has GSA rethinking its OASIS+ strategy and has put the Polaris GWAC on the curb temporarily. GSA's Professional Services and Human Capital (PSHC) Category, under which both contracts fall, is shifting gears.

In the decision made in regards to a protest of the Polaris RFP, the judge ruled that "...Defendant is ENJOINED from evaluating proposals and awarding IDIQ contracts under the current versions of the SB, WOSB, and SDVOSB Pool Solicitations. To proceed with this procurement, Defendant must amend the SB, WOSB, and SDVOSB Pool 75 Solicitations, and evaluate proposals under those Solicitations,..." The decision can be found at

The ruling impacts the planned strategy under OASIS+ in that the RFP was not intending to include a price factor nor include price as part of the evaluation for award.

On SAM over the past two days, PSHC says it is still finalizing its acquisition strategy for OASIS+ and will provide an update in a few weeks. As for Polaris, PSHC references the Court of Federal Claims protest decision and that further proposal evaluation and contract awards are prohibited under current versions of the Polaris solicitations.

Watch SAM Contract Opportunities for amendments and updates. Links to the latest info for each RFP are below.


Polaris GWAC Small Business Pool:

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