On August 30, 2023, GSA further extended its temporary moratorium on the enforcement of certain limitations contained in the following Economic Price Adjustment (EPA) clauses which was set to expire on September 30, 2023 through March 31, 2024. The moratorium puts a pause on:
GSAR 552.216-70, Economic Price Adjustment--FSS Multiple Award Schedule Contracts; Alternate 1 and Deviation II;
I-FSS-969, Economic Price Adjustment--FSS Multiple Award Schedule and Alternate II; and
GSAR 552.216-71, Economic Price Adjustment--Special Order Program Contracts, Alternate I and Alternate II.
(Reference Acquisition Letter MV-22-02 and supplements 1, 2, and 3 found here.)
While this moratorium is in effect, it allows Schedule contractors to:
⏫ Propose aggregate price increases that exceed the percentage stipulated in the EPA clause and have such price increases approved at the Contracting Officer level.
⏩ Allows less than 30 days to elapse between requested price increases;
🔼 Propose more than three price increases during the contract period; and
🔁 Add an item back to its Schedule at a higher price than it was when it was removed.
Supporting documentation is required to substantiate all EPA requests. See GSA's Modifications and Mass Modification Guidance page for required documentation. https://www.gsa.gov/buy-through-us/purchasing-programs/gsa-multiple-award-schedule/mas-roadmap/schedule-contractors/contract-requirements-and-modification-guidance/modifications-and-mass-modification-guidance