Unsure where to begin?
Connect the dots to begin your Federal Contracting journey!
Scroll down to review each step in the process.

Does the Government buy what I want to sell?
What agency is buying?
What agency is funding?
Who is my competition in the Federal marketplace for this product or service?
What is the primary North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code for the industry within which my business operates?
What size is my business given the NAICS code(s) selected?
Which role is the better fit for my business in the Federal marketplace--Prime or Subcontractor?

Are you seeking Federal grants and loans, Federal contracts, or both?
What is the business structure?
What are the gross receipts of the business?
What are the specifics of the business's ownership and affiliates?
Do you have the required documents you need to register in SAM.gov?
If you are a foreign entity, have you obtained a NATO Commercial and Government Entity (NCAGE)?

What is your core marketing message?
What are your core competencies?
What sets you apart from your competitors?
What projects and clients reflect your success in the types of opportunities you are seeking in the Federal marketplace?
What others products and services can your company provide in addition to those that are your goal to provide?
What experience does your company have in the private sector?
What experience does the company have in the Federal space?
For the work your company has performed, what is the range of project sizes in terms of dollar value and performance duration?
What is the company's value proposition?
Who should interested agencies and other entities contact?
Does your company website and social media accounts reflect the information you plan to include in your capabilities statement?
Do you accept the Government Purchase Card for orders and/or payment?

Is the business a small business based on its NAICS and the SBA Table of Small Business Size Standards?
Does the business owner qualify for any SBA Federal Contracting Assistance Programs?
Small Disadvantaged Business (SDB) Program?
8(a) Business Development Program?
Historically Underutilized Business Zone (HUBZone) Program?
Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB) Federal Contract Program?
Veteran Contracting Assistance Program (to include Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) Program)?​
SBA Mentor-Protege Program?
Qualifying Joint Venture?

Did you know that the Dynamic Small Business Search (DSBS) tool is one of the first places agencies go to start their market research for procurements?
Do you have a complete DSBS business profile to maximize your visibility to Federal buyers?
Does your website reflect the information you will use to populate your DSBS profile?

Do you know understand the roles of the different players on the Federal acquisition team?
What existing relationships can you leverage with--​​​
Federal Agencies or employees?
Current Federal Prime Contractors?
Current Federal Subcontractors?
Current Federal Suppliers?
Your current network?
Do you attend any industry conferences or other networking events?
Do you AND your business have a LinkedIn profile?
Do you have a well-honed elevator pitch?

Do you have a business pipeline or tool to find opportunities?
Are you familiar with the different types of opportunity notices?
Who holds current Federal Prime contracts in your industry or with your target agency?
What is your strategy to capture opportunities at all dollar thresholds (i.e., Micro-purchases, Simplified Acquisitions, Large Contracts) as both a Prime and Sub / Supplier? ​
Do you have Federal buyers interested but no contract vehicle to reach you?

Does this opportunity play to one or more of our strengths?
What is the contract type?
Do you have the capacity to perform with other existing / concurrent work?
Can you self-perform or do you need a team?
Do you have the right team?
What is the agency's contract or order history for same / similar work?
What are the most recent prices paid?
Does your business have an existing compliance and reporting structure in place to meet the demands of Federal contracts?
What other factors impact your decision (i.e., cybersecurity requirements, time investment, politics, business goals, budget)?